Core Modules
- Comprehensive programs to serve as the backbone of operations for your agency -
- Computer-Assisted Dispatch (CAD)
- Interfaces with Enhanced 911, mobile data terminals, TLETS; local warrants; and hazard warnings
- Records activities and status of all active response units
- Recommends fire units to dispatch based on calls-for-service and location
- Handles dispatch for police, fire, EMS, and public works; large geographical areas; transit operations; or satellite sites
- Generates separate case numbers, response times, and clearance for multi-agency/unit response
- Provides automatic phone and address information through Enhanced 9-1-1
- Allows pre-coding for businesses; beat/district; reporting areas/sectors for police, fire and EMS
- Creates hazard/caution flags for aggressive dogs, combative occupants, or precautions
- Maintains history of phone numbers and locations
- Allows dispatchers to monitor hot pursuits and access local warrants and partial license plates
- Provides information on businesses and contacts for alarms
- Automatically sets district, reporting areas, or sectors for dispatched units
- Monitors time frames on calls-for-service and sounds alarm if unit is overdue
- Provides pre-formatted reports for daily blotter; call reports; vehicle/occupant; location; bus activity; officers; and call analysis
- Offers fully call searchable features
- Interfaces with wireless mobile systems; automatic dispatch; mobile unit status; voiceless and hot messages; and alarm capabilities
- Mobile Components
- Provides mobile digital communication with units in the field, including police and fire
- Utilizes high speed digital cellular or RF connectively
- Allows field reporting of incidents
- Provides field searches of CADs, Master File names, incident reports, beat activities, or TLETS
- Permits messaging unit to unit, unit to group, or unit to broadcast
- Offers continuous broadcast of automatic vehicle locator to track position of police vehicles
- Incident Management
- Provides a means to enter initial or supplement incident reports along with data already entered through CAD and/or booking.
- Includes word processing capabilities for narrative portions of reports
- Accepts digital photos
- Allows data entry from patrol cars
- Manages criminal incidents and the flow of paperwork
- Creates a searchable database and printable summaries
- Booking and Jail Management
- Books new prisoners
- Manages prisoner property
- Logs prisoner cell assignments
- Maintains records of distribution of prisoner medications
- Tracks prisoner visitation
- Coordinates court appearances
- Maintains prisoner charges and bond information
- Interfaces with DPS LiveScan® fingerprinting
- Produces reports required by the Commission on Accreditation for Law Enforcement Agencies (CALEA) for accreditation standards
- Traffic Citation
- Records all issued citations and warnings, including motor vehicle, pedestrian, maritime and noise violations
- Searches by offender, vehicle, location, date and time and creates summary reports
- Interfaces with magnetic stripe readers and thermal printers or handheld devices (AutoCITE® and Brazos Technology®)
- Traffic Crash Reporting
- Use of TxDOT on-line reporting is encouraged
- Handles TxDOT CR-3 (private vehicles) and CR-3C (commercial vehicles) reporting requirements
- Allows short or long forms
- Features searches and permits editing or producing reports
- Creates management reports of location and frequency of accidents by download linkage to TxDOT on-line reporting system
- Property Room Management
- Inputs new items into the property room and captures detailed descriptions
- Generates bar codes for each item for easy inventory
- Searches property room evidence based on numerous criteria, such as history, returns, or edits
- Sets dates for review of items to be auctioned or destroyed